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Cryptic Crossword Books Amazon
#1. First and foremost you will be able to buy books with cryptic crosswords, from the cryptic crossword books section, at the Books Department, of Click here to visit this webpage.
This section is also available in the localized version of the said website, like,, or, to name a few.
Standard, the search result for “cryptic crosswords” under Books, will sort the results by Featured. But you can easily alter the way the search results are listed, by choosing for example: Sort by: Newest Arrivals for example.
Specially for you, I have created a cryptic crossword, that you can play here online.
It's actually my first ever cryptic crossword that I have ever created. This cryptic crossword is called "Cryptic Crossword European Cities".
Click here to print it in .pdf format.
Play it here online:
8 Refuse processing by computer, in short, and dance with nothing on? (4)
9 World capital is trailing average (5)
10 Precious material in address for mate? (4)
11 Sideshow game‘s hard mountain to climb after two zeroes (6)
12 Notice the bloke’s working to support international attachment (8)
13 Adult getting short, beautiful woman a flower (8)
15 City student and Ontario crime boss (6)
17 Edited notes and record of Armstrong’s first couple of words (3-4)
19 Work of art that’s beautiful, though first scratched? (7)
22 Brine sprinkled around large city (6)
24 Nothing in beer a clergyman brought up that’s used as moisturising agent (4,4)
26 Two scholars raise lout — lad spoilt at home (5,3)
28 Direct pleasure offered by King’s mistress mostly (6)
30 Essence extracted from basic oregano (4)
31 One banished from historic mansion leaving quietly? (5)
32 Mark, irritating little thing (4)
1 Alcohol distilled from paraffin oil (4)
2 Horses apt to bolt, abandoning a warm Leopards-town enclosure? (3,5)
3 Drug operation I polished off (6)
4 Old sewing machine operator let off without study (7)
5 Horse coming in locates rotten onion (8)
6 Perturbed re snow, go downhill (6)
7 Staple food that may give South American energy (4)
14 Move forward quickly, having energy after breather (5)
16 One who has dispiriting experience, wasting day (5)
18 Enduring honour of mankind (8)
20 Exploited scripture to enter anti-tax schemes (4-4)
21 American flyer cheated after starting aerobatic training in Kentucky (7)
23 Goes for salad? (6)
25 Off-site assembly. I am leaving to get make up (6)
27 Riding first class to Peru’s capital (4)
29 Eat out in France and Switzerland (4)
#2. When you are looking for Cryptic Crossword Books on, you will notice that some newspaper publishers, whom also have a cryptic crossword section, tend to re-publish these crossword puzzles in book-form. For some people it's nice to be able to play crosswords online, be it on a laptop, or a smartphone. But they still prefer having the crossword puzzles in their hands, and using pen and paper. Because it just isn't the same as playing online.
One publisher that will catch your eyes is The Guardian. See the link to the newspaper - Click Here. And their cryptic crosswords can be found here: Click Here for the cryptic crosswords in The Guardian newspaper.
Click on this link to visit the section of Cryptic Crossword Books on from The Guardian.
You could read the reviews mentioned with each book, to get an idea if this book is what you are looking for. You could take also a look a the different images of the book. Of course if there aren't any reviews yet you just could take the chance. And the write a review yourself, once you received the crossword puzzle book you bought. Helping others.
Here are some cryptic crossword puzzle book creators / authors, I want to mention on this list, that I have created for you, the cryptic crossword lover.
#3. Mr. Peter Glass has created 7 cryptic crossword puzzle books, until now, at the time of writing, . Click here, to see the overview. Each book contains 40 cryptic crosswords. This series is being very well received by the crossword puzzlers whom bought these books and played the puzzles. You can read this in the Reviews. Except for the first volume, all these books seem to contain, 40 original cryptic puzzles, and clues. There is, in these books, a cryptic crossword primer included, to get you started. Obviously a lot of time has been spent on creating these books. Some of the buyers are so enthusiast about these books, they are just asking for more of these cryptic crossword puzzle books from Mr. Peter Glass. Cryptic crossword puzzle books Peter Glass.
#4. Mr Fraser Simpson has created, at the time of writing, 5 cryptic crossword puzzle books in total. Click Here, to see the overview. Examples of cryptic clues are included. Explaining how the different kinds of cryptic clues work or function if you like.He also is receiving praise form the puzzlers in the Reviews. And even from Mr Will Shortz saying:
"Fraser Simpson's cryptic crosswords are fresh, elegant, and twisty — some of my favorite puzzles to do."
—Will Shortz, Crossword editor, The New York Times
You can visit the author-page @ by Clicking Here.
#5. Mr P Leslie Aldridge has created a series of, until this day, 7 Can-Am, Canadian American, Cryptic Crossword books for you puzzlers. Click Here, to see the said series. Once again also this creator and author has been receiving kudos from the people whom bought his puzzle books. Specially when it comes to being cryptic puzzles geared toward Americans, as one cryptic crossword puzzle player puts it.
#6. Ms Sowmya Ramkumar, a last, but not least, we meet a female cryptic crossword puzzle creator and author. She has published, until now 3 books in the Cryptic Crossroad Series. Ms Sowmya Ramkumar is the founder of, and the author of the Cryptic Crossroads compilations, as we can read on her author page at Click Here to visit her page. You can read some of the positive reviews via the following link: Click Here.
And here are a few more books I would like to mention.
#7. The Browser Cryptic Crosswords 2021 Paperback, is another true cryptic puzzle book to mention. Created in a collaboration of 8 different authors. It contains 52 cryptic crossword puzzles. One reviewer speaks of an, and I quote "Exciting, high-quality, new cryptic crossword collection". You can Click Here and see for yourself.
#8. The Times - UK. If you would like to learn and or improve your cryptic crossword solving skills, then the following book could be for you: The Times How to Crack Cryptic Crosswords - Click Here. More cryptic crossword books from The Times - UK can be found here - Click Here.
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