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Hi! Lots of people just like you are looking for really easy crossword puzzles on the Internet. Would you like to help me to create more easy crosswords, that users like you love and like?
For me to be able to do this I first need to find out what people like yourself actually are looking for.
So you could genuinely do me a big favor by taking the survey below, and helping me find out which type of easy crossword puzzles your are looking for.
Free Copy of my Word Search Puzzle Book
Get yourself a Free e-book Copy of my Word Search Puzzle Book by taking this survey. The e-book is in .pdf format.
This book is also available on, in a printed version, see link: - Click Here.
After you submitted the survey "What kind of Easy Crossword Puzzles are you looking for?", you can contact me via the Contact page, see link, asking for the "Free Copy of my Word Search Puzzle Book": - Click Here.
So I can send you a copy via e-mail.
Tell me about the crossword puzzles you are looking for, but are unable to find.
I need to collect a lot of different opinions, from a lot of different people just like you.
An easy crossword puzzle means many different things to different people.
It would be nice to learn from you what you have in mind when you think of an easy crossword.
You can tell me what an easy crossword is for you.
And you can tell me also what is not an easy crossword for you.
So I can really make a distinction between easy crosswords, where you are looking for, and all the others.
If you have arrived on this web-page, then I hope you can spare 5 minutes of your time. In this collective effort to define an easy crossword for me and all the other visitors.
If you have pictures with examples of easy crosswords, then you can also include them.
The goal of this survey is to discover what you, as a player and user of easy crossword puzzles are looking for.
So that it will become clear, what you as an easy crossword user, really are looking for.
You are my most important source of information. Since you as a user, knows best what you are looking for.
As more people will join this survey, it should become clearer to me what users are looking for. Making it painless for me to provide easy crossword puzzles.
So I am really hoping, you would share your views with me, and all the other visitors of this web-page.
The survey can be found below on this page. So don't hesitate and just do it, share your beliefs in what should be and easy crossword puzzle.
It's for the benefit of the easy crossword playing community.
Thank you for your time and help!
Bookmark this page and come back regularly, to see the progression and the reactions of other users, just like you.
Take the survey now.
Thank you for helping me to define what exact an easy crossword puzzle is for you as a player.
Give me your views on what an easy crossword should be:
* what should be the type of crossword? American style or other?
* which words should be used for the solution?
* How should the clues look like?
* Do you have pictures as an example of what an easy crossword should look like?