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Easy Printable Crossword Series Indyword 2020 Snr1 Nr1

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Easy Printable Crossword Series Indyword 2020 Snr1 Nr1

© 2019 - Frank Heymans - All Rights Reserved - www.indyword

Easy Printable Crossword Series Indyword 2020 Snr1 Nr1Easy Printable Crossword Series Indyword 2020 Snr1 Nr1

1. Lowlife
5. Winter woe
8. Homeopathic diet drops in 2011 health news
11. Culmination
15. Alex Trebek, by birth
17. U.N. working-conditions agcy.
18. Agile deer
19. Botticelli cupids
20. London lav
21. Ribonucleic acid found in the nucleolus of the cell
22. August 2020, magnitude 3.3 explosions in Lebanon
25. Comfort
26. Aquatic mammal
27. " 'Twas ___ I was born" (Shak.)
29. A young unmarried French-speaking woman
33. Pair
36. Caffeine source
37. Honeybun
38. Brio
39. Largest republic of the USSR
42. Letters on a brandy bottle
44. "--- of the Beholder" (1999)
46. Ethyl alcohol denatured with methyl alcohol to prevent its use as an alcoholic beverage
53. Grassland
54. "Flying Down to ___"
55. Kind of hose
56. "Dungeons & Dragons" figure
59. One easily taken in
62. Blood vessel
64. The sea personified
65. Lightweight
70. "Break a ___!"
71. A Hindu people or their language
72. An urban hit squad and guerrilla group of the Communist Party in the Philippines; formed in the 1980s
76. Bacteria family
80. Business letter abbr.
81. "Th" in Old English
82. To paint after weaving
83. A room or building equipped with one or more toilets
84. 'It's -- -brainer'
85. Kind of parking
86. " ___ It Romantic" (2019 Rebel Wilson film)
87. "Allons, ___ enfants... "
88. "Gunnery" off.
89. (computing) a long-term storage hardware that does not have moving parts (typically faster and quieter than a traditional hard drive)

1. Signs of healing
2. Small part
3. Oil paint containing pigment that is used by an artist
4. A coarse grass found on sandy beaches
5. Evolutionary survivors
6. "Better ___ than never"
7. AT&T used to own it
8. Castle site, often
9. First part of the first question
10. Straight-kneed military movement
11. 1966 Florentine flooder
12. "Big Red" football team
13. "Guilty mind," in law
14. Letters on a spacecraft launched from Kourou
16. Devil
23. Bottled beverage whose name is taken from the fruit it contains
24. A feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance
28. Big Sur institute
30. Agni ___ (Hindu god of fire)
31. Orient
32. A little suspicious
33. Tech. used to prevent CD copying
34. "--- only as directed"
35. Frequently, in poetry
40. Carry with difficulty
41. "... a pocket full of ___"
43. " ___ the ramparts we..."
45. "___ was searching for his yang" (Spinal Tap line)
47. CD player's "needle"
48. A distinguished female operatic singer
49. It's available in bars
50. Down with the flu
51. "... on the light fantastic ___"
52. AARP member
56. "100 Acres Wood" resident
57. Certain urban areas
58. "Amen!"
60. "Bacchus and ___" (Titian painting)
61. Thriller subjects, often
63. Best prepared for gymnastics
66. "Cutesy" intensifier
67. "Ah, Wilderness!" character
68. About 11 days, in chronology.
69. 500 cars
73. Anopheles cousin
74. Assailed with crying
75. "Give me some sugar!" root for vegetables
77. Alternative shortened Instagram name
78. "Aeneid," e.g.
79. "Familiar" sound
80. "1,001 Arabian Nights" hero

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